Tuesday, November 4, 2008

It's Been Fine to Have a Chance to Hang Around

Today, I begin my 43rd year on this lovely little planet. Which means, I’ve lived through 15,706 days (including 11 extra leap years days). About a third of that time was taken up in sleep, so I’ve been only been awake for about 27 or 28 years. Probably a bit less if I factor in sick time, recovery from surgeries, and my increasingly frequent late afternoon naps. I have no idea how many years of my waking life I’ve wasted watching TV and I’ll never get back the time I spent reading “Thus Spoke Zarathustra”. At any rate, I’ve always thought of birthdays as a great excuse to slow down and think about my life, to contemplate everything that has made me me.

I remember listening to "Poems, Prayers and Promises" by John Denver when I was growing up and thinking that it was a very sweet song, but it has only been since I've been married that I've really begun to appreciate it. I looked it up on YouTube the other day and was fondly impressed. I really like this version, because I've never sat around a fire passing a pipe. *grins*


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