Wednesday, September 7, 2005

P. C. Language

I get such a kick out of how people use language and react to certain terms. I do not believe that "post traumatic stress disorder" is a better way of describing Shell Shock. I do not have "homophobia." (While I freely admit, I can be misanthropic from time to time, I have never been nor can I imagine a time when I might be afraid of the genus to which my species belongs.) And a "refugee" has no racial connotation.

Not so says the Rev. Jesse Jackson: "It is racist to call American citizens refugees," he said while visiting the Houston Astrodome on Monday. I suppose you could make a technical, legal argument against using the word "refugee" in the case of Katrina's victims. These people are not changing their citizenship status and, I'm guessing, most intend to return to their homes in the near future. It irks me though to think that a pretty good description of "people fleeing their homes in search of safety" is suddenly racist because the people in question just happen to be predominately black . . . ermm African-American.



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