Saturday, November 3, 2007

Northwest Trek

To celebrate my birthday, my wife and I went up to Northwest Trek, south west of Tacoma. It took about 2 and half hours to get there but it was well worth it. For a good sense of northwest wildlife, natural habitats and some basic conservation education, I'd really recommend the trip. The hour-long tram ride was nice, if a bit noisy; it really was geared for kids. The place has a zoo-like feel to it, but there was plenty of space to spread out and take things in. I was really impressed with the "wilderness" feel to the exhibits and the nature walk.

The only really good picture we got was of the wolves. (I'm still learning to use this new digital camera.) Had I known how to use the camera, I could have gotten some really nice pictures of the grizzly bear, bobcat, lynx and otters.



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