Friday, January 6, 2006

Christian Consumerism

Last night, our Worship Pastor invited everyone involved in the GPBC worship ministries for a time of prayer and consecration. It was a very moving and much-needed evening of news, supplication and fellowship. Dave did a great job of inspiring and challenging us to the possibilities God has is store for the church and Christ's Body in general for the coming year. I felt that Dave did a very good job of warning against consumer culture while balancing the need to meet one another's' needs.

For my part, I have struggled with the concept of Christian consumerism this past year. If looking to fulfill our needs is such a bad thing then why be at church at all? When I am feeling like I am bored with a particular song, should I just go through the motions, playing the notes and moving on to the next song? Doesn't God want to meet our needs?

What Dave was able to do though is to help me have a better understanding of the concept. While I have no problem with the fact that people DO come to church to receive, I am now more able to see how I might improve the situation. That is to say, we can only truly receive what God has prepared for us when we are willing to humble ourselves, submit, give and work hard. To often though, people (myself included) come to church to get something, be entertained, grab a blessing and, in the end, miss the opportunity to heal and bless others. This isn't what God requires of us. An attitude like that will only weaken the Body.

I will take Dave's admonition to heart this year. I will work hard to be a blessing to others, even though I may not feel like at the time.

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