Monday, May 15, 2006

At Providence Portland's Chapel

I had a client today that I was supposed to meet at 9:00 AM today at Providence Portland, but somehow we missed each other. A co-worker said the client wouldn't be in for another half-hour, so I had a chance to spend some time in the chapel.

For the most part, I was alone for just a half hour, but it was a very good half hour. I tried to focus my mind on God, but ended up thinking about the job I was at the hospital for. With some effort, I was able to turn my mind toward a prayer for guidance and, through the swirling thoughts in my mind, I was aware of one thing I think I've never really understood about holy places: God is not more available or present in places set aside for "religious activities". Rather, I am.

It's easy to think that, perhaps, God isn't with us during our busy days. But it's clearer to me now that He really is. It's just that, here I am in my office, with my job notes, my humming computer, my books, my snacks, I don't have as much time for God as God has for me.

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Sunday, May 7, 2006

The Future of Our Church

Last weekend, our founding pastor retired, leaving an uncertain future for Greater Portland Bible Church. It's not that I, personally, have any trepidation. We have an awesome staff, solid elders and a congregation that, I hope, is mature enough to handle this time of uncertainty.

This morning, pastor John committed our church to unity. The staff created a statement of commitment that read:
We as a church community, highlight and respecting each other's strengths, steering clear of pride and hidden agendas, practicing dependence on God together, and moving forward with one accord.
The bottom line is that we, as a church body, are committed to being patient, listening to the Lord's leading, and working toward a renewed church, a church that is open to seekers and is a place where service and love is abundantly evident.

Granted, all sorts of bad things could happen as we find our new direction and renew our commitment to the Lord. But I just don't see that happening. Furthermore, I pledge to do my part that bad things don't happen. My job now is to love, listen and be a dependable part of the church body. May God grant me the strength to do so.

May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus, so that with one heart and mouth you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. (Romans 15:5-6)

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